
Treatment of Government Entities as a Single Taxable Person under Corporate Tax in UAE

The Corporate Tax Law in UAE stipulates the conditions that have to be met to treat the businesses and business activities conducted by Federal Government Entities as a single taxable person. For Taxable Persons to qualify for this treatment, they must encompass all relevant businesses and activities. Additionally, a legitimate license from a Licensing Authority must be used for these operations. Therefore, Taxable Persons should look at the services of Corporate Tax Consultants in the UAE to effectively ensure corporate tax compliance. 

Changes in the Representative Federal Government Entity

To ensure transparency and seamless administration, it is imperative to notify the Authority of any changes in the Representative Federal Government Entity or the occurrence of new businesses and activities falling under the single taxable person treatment. This facilitates efficient monitoring and enforcement of tax regulations. Additionally, the decision outlines circumstances under which the treatment as a single taxable person may cease, including approval by the Authority or failure to meet the conditions specified in Article 2.

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Conditions applicable to Local Government Entities

The Corporate Tax Law in UAE confers conditions applicable to Local Government Entities. It specifies that these entities' businesses and business activities must satisfy certain requirements, which include functioning in the same emirate, for them to be treated as a single taxable person. The Representative Local Government Entity is accountable for submitting the application and meeting the tax obligations outlined in the Corporate Tax Law and this Ministerial Decision, just like the Federal Government Entities.

Read more: Conditions to treat local government businesses and activities as a single taxable person in UAE

Notifying the relevant Authority

Taxable Persons are required to notify the relevant authority of the appointment of the Representative Federal or Local Government Entity responsible for compliance with all tax obligations. It also allows for the replacement of the representative entity without discontinuing the treatment as a single taxable person. The decision emphasizes the importance of notifying the authority of any changes in the businesses and activities conducted by government entities. New businesses or activities meeting the conditions of the decision will be automatically treated as part of the single taxable person. On the other hand, any cessation of businesses or activities or a change in licensing status must be promptly reported to the authority.

Guidelines regarding time and dates

To establish clarity regarding the start and end dates of the treatment as a single taxable person. Article 4 of Ministerial Decision No. 68 of 2023 provides explicit guidelines. It makes it clear that the treatment starts at the start of the tax period specified in the Authority's application or as otherwise determined by the Authority. It further outlines scenarios in which the treatment can end, whether due to the specified tax period or failure to meet the conditions specified.

Taxable income for the Single Taxable Person

The determination of taxable income for a single taxable person is stipulated in the Corporate Tax Law. It is stressed how important it is for the Representative Federal Government Entity or Representative Local Government Entity to combine the financial results, assets, and liabilities of all businesses and activities that can be linked to the single taxable person for the relevant tax period. By removing transactions between government entities within a single taxable person, this consolidation ensures an accurate calculation of taxable income. 

Read more: Taxable persons required to prepare and maintain audited financial statements under corporate tax UAE

Seek the expert services of trusted Tax Consultants in the UAE

Ministerial Decision No. 68 of 2023 signifies a remarkable step forward in tax administration for government entities. By treating them as single taxable persons, it revolutionizes the way businesses and activities conducted by these entities are taxed. The decision aims to streamline processes, enhance financial management, and promote compliance with tax regulations, ultimately fostering transparency and fairness in the government sector. The decision simplifies corporate tax procedures by ensuring a comprehensive approach to taxation. The decision sets clear conditions for eligibility, defines the roles of representative entities, and provides guidelines for determining taxable income. This proactive step by the Ministry is expected to improve corporate tax compliance and contribute to a more efficient and transparent tax system for government entities. Therefore, Taxable Persons should seek the services of trusted Tax Advisors in the UAE like Corporate Tax UAE team to effectively ensure corporate tax compliance.