UAE Canada Double Tax Treaties

Non-residents of Canada who earn income from Canadian sources must navigate not only the Income Tax Act (ITA) but also consider the potential impact of tax treaties between Canada and other relevant countries. These treaties play a pivotal role in cross-border tax planning by reducing tax liabilities for residents of one country earning income in another. This comprehensive guide covers various aspects, including the operation of Canada's tax treaties, how Canadian courts interpret them, the requirements for non-residents to claim treaty benefits, and the special features of the Canada-USA Tax Treaty.

UAE Canada Double Tax Treaties 

The bilateral agreement between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Canada was officially signed in 2002. This important convention came into effect in 2003, a year after the signing, establishing formal ties between the two nations.

  • The primary function of tax treaties is to avoid double taxation, which arises when an individual from one country (the "home country") generates income in or from another country (the "host country"). They accomplish this by curtailing the host country's ability to tax that income.
  • Another vital function of tax treaties is to provide a mechanism for dispute resolution when double taxation occurs against the treaty's intent.
  • Tax treaties can override the tax results prescribed by the Income Tax Act.
  • Canada has an impressive array of more than 90 bilateral tax treaties and 25 agreements for sharing tax information, primarily with countries that maintain lower tax rates.
  • The Multilateral Instrument (MLI), which Canada embraced in 2019, has implemented revisions to the majority of Canada's tax treaties, although a select few, such as the Canada-USA Tax Treaty, remain unchanged.

Make Your Inquiries:

Role of Tax Treaties:

  • Tax treaties aim to eliminate or reduce excessive taxation, commonly known as the "Double Tax Treaty." The primary purpose of the Double Tax Treaty is to address the scenarios where earnings related to residents are earned in the other country.
  • In the absence of tax treaties, the residence country typically taxes the income based on the recipient's residency, while the source country taxes it based on where it was earned. Tax treaties step in to alleviate this risk by specifying the circumstances and terms under which source country taxation occurs.
  • Although Canada's tax treaties have a standard format, the specific terms can vary based on negotiations between the two countries involved. Reviewing the provisions of each relevant tax treaty is essential for understanding its impact on residents of particular countries earning income in Canada.
  • The agreement outlines the usual consequences of a Canadian tax treaty on Canada's taxation authority over income originating from Canada, earned by residents of the partnering treaty nation.

Read More: UAE-KSA Double Tax Treaty

Specific Provisions in Canada's Tax Treaties

Canada's tax treaties often contain articles addressing various matters:

  • Income from Different forms such as international shipping, pensions, or specific individual/taxpayers students, artists, tax-exempt organizations, and athletes
  • Dual residency situations, where both countries claim an individual as a resident, are also covered. Some treaties have a "tie-breaker" rule to resolve such cases, while others require tax authorities to seek a resolution.
  • It requires that countries should have mechanisms from the burden of double taxation, for instance, non-discrimination provisions and foreign tax credits.
  • A "mutual agreement procedure" allows individuals facing double taxation, contrary to the treaty, to seek resolution through a process involving the tax authorities of both countries.
  • Procedures for exchanging taxpayer information and assistance in collecting taxes owed are outlined.
  • Canada's provinces are not signatories to these tax treaties, but provincial income tax laws incorporate their outcomes.
  • Canada has entered into Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs) with 25 different countries, with the primary objectives being to foster transparency and the exchange of tax-related data. These agreements become particularly pertinent when engaging with nations that have limited tax burdens, thereby mitigating the chances of encountering double taxation.

The Multilateral Instrument (MLI)

  • The MLI, in effect since December 1, 2019, significantly reshapes Canada's tax treaties.
  • Each MLI signatory identifies the treaties it wants to amend using the MLI (known as "covered tax agreements") and designates specific MLI provisions for each agreement.
  • When both signatory countries agree on provisions, the MLI automatically amends the tax treaty.
  • An online OECD database tracks which countries apply the MLI to specific treaties and the chosen provisions.
  • The MLI's impact varies: for taxes withheld at source, changes take effect on January 1 of the following year; for other tax matters, it applies to taxation years starting six months after activation in the latter of the two countries.
  • At the end of 2020, Canada ratified double tax treaties with the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Ireland, Singapore, and the Netherlands that were affected by the MLI. Notably, Canada's tax treaties with the U.S. (a non-signatory to the MLI) and ongoing negotiations with Germany and Switzerland remain largely unaffected.
  • Canada has embraced amendments under the MLI, including minimum standards on treaty abuse, dispute resolution, holding requirements, looking back rules for capital gains, mandatory binding arbitration, and dual residence resolutions.

Treaty Interpretation in Canada:

  • Canadian courts interpret tax treaties liberally, aiming to reduce source-country taxation in line with the contracting countries' intent.
  • The Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act lays down the principles for deciphering tax treaties in Canada.
  • On occasion, Canadian courts might turn to the OECD Model Income Tax Convention and its related Commentary as sources for interpretation, but their pertinence hinges on the specific circumstances of each case.
  • In some situations, courts have also considered supplementary references like the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention and the United States Model Tax Convention.
  • Understanding how Canadian courts interpret and apply tax treaties is crucial due to their significant influence on Canada's taxation of non-residents.
  • In the context of Canada v. Crown Forest  Industries Limited, the Supreme Court of Canada emphasized the paramount goal of interpreting treaties: discovering the meaning of the treaty's words and considering the language and intentions of the parties involved.

Optimize your tax strategy today with the UAE-Canada Double Tax Treaties—consult a tax advisor now! Call us  +971 4 2500251


For non-residents earning Canadian-source income, understanding Canada's tax treaties, their interpretation in Canadian courts, and the impact of the Multilateral Instrument (MLI) is essential. For better tax planning the entities including individuals are required to comply with provisions of the “double Tax Treaty” by ensuring the effectiveness of Canada's tax law. Stay informed about evolving treaty interpretations to manage your tax affairs efficiently.

Read More: For Corporate Tax Consultation


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